Ως Guest Editor του ειδικού τεύχος "Ιατρική Ακριβείας του Καρκίνου..." του περιοδικού International Journal of Molecular Sciences (IJMS) θα ήθελα να προσκαλέσω, ιδιαίτερα τα νεότερα μέλη ΔΕΠ και τους μετα-διδακτορικούς ερευνητές, να συμμετάσχουν με πρωτότυπη ή ανασκοπική δημοσίευση στο ειδικό αυτό τεύχος.
Ακολουθούν οι οδηγίες με σχετική σύνοψη από τον κ. Albert Li, Section Managing Editor:
We hope you are doing well. As the guest editor, we sincerely invite you to contribute a full research paper or review article for peer-review and possible publication in our special issue:
"Precision Cancer Medicine: Molecular Biological Insights"
This Special Issue will be fully open access. Besides, IJMS will supply a fast peer review service. IJMS is abstracted and indexed by Scopus, SCIE, PubMed, Embase, Medline, PMC, NLM, DOAJ. The Impact Factor of the Journal is 4.9.
We invite authors to contribute original articles or comprehensive reviews in this field. All submissions are peer-reviewed, and accepted papers will be published online shortly. We will offer a 20% discount for papers invited by the guest editors. *Benefits* of publishing with IJMS:
1. Open access and high visibility with impact factor 4.9.
2. Rapid publication times combined with thorough peer review.
3. You may be entitled to a discount if you have previously received a discount code from MPDI.
4. You may be entitled to another discount if your institute is participating in the MDPI Institutional Open Access Program (IOAP), for more information see: http://www.mdpi.com/about/ioap.
If you are interested. We encourage to send a tentative title or/and short abstract to me or IJMS assistant editor Mr. Albert Li (albert.li[at]mdpi[dot]com) in advance. Please feel free to contact us if you have any questions.
We look forward to hearing from you.
Με εκτίμηση,
Δημήτρης Ρούκος
Ομότιμος Καθηγητής Χειρουργικής - Ιατρικής Ακριβείας στον Καρκίνο
Επιστημονικός Υπεύθυνος: Κέντρο Βιοσυστημάτων και Γονιδιωματικής Ιατρικής
Ιατρική Σχολή Πανεπιστημίου Ιωαννίνων